Barra de Governo dos Açores
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Portal da Açorianidade

Regional Government brings together consular corps accredited in the Region

The 3rd Consular Meeting of the Azores is scheduled to take place on July 5 at the Conceição Palace in Ponta Delgada. The meeting will start at 10 am and will be chaired by the President of the Regional Government, José Manuel Bolieiro. Organised by the Regional Secretariat for Parliamentary Affairs and Communities, through the Regional Directorate for the Communities, the initiative brings together representatives of the consular corps accredited in the Autonomous Region of the Azores for a debate on the present and future challenges and opportunities for the various foreign communities residing in the archipelago. The programme of the meeting is divided into two panels. The first is dedicated to “Consular support for foreign citizens in the Azores,” with presentations by the consular corps, and the second to “Institutional support for foreign citizens in the Azores,” with the participation of the Regional Directorate for the Communities, AIPA – Association of Immigrants in the Azores and CRESAÇOR’s Migrant Support Office. Currently, the consular corps with representation in the Azores is made up of the consul of the United States of America, Margaret C. Campbell, her vice-consul Christopher B. Gosselin and the honorary consuls of Germany and Latvia, João Luís Cogumbreiro, Belgium, José Braz, the Republic of Cape Verde, Guilherme Bettencourt, Canada, Melinda Caetano Stokreef, the Czech Republic, Ricardo do Nascimento Cabral, Croatia, António Gomes de Menezes, Denmark, António de Vasconcelos Rieff, and the Dominican Republic, Carlos Andrade Botelho. The event will also be attended by the honorary consuls of Slovakia, Zuzana Pincáková Vieira, Spain, Manuel Gago da Câmara, Finland, Frederico Páscoa, France, Anne Brossard-Saillant, Greece, António Costa Santos, the Netherlands, José Romão Braz, Hungary, Camilo Moniz, Italy, Thomas Rizzo, Lithuania, Leonel Cabral, Malta, Augusto de Athayde, Norway, João Luís Oliveira, the United Kingdom, Christopher Noble, Sweden, Nuno Bettencourt Raposo, and Turkey, Francisco da Câmara Teves. The 3rd Consular Meeting of the Azores comes after the first two editions, held in 2022 and 2023. The Regional Government has been implementing policies and measures for the integration and social inclusion of foreign citizens who choose the Azores to reside in and who contribute daily to the growth and development of the archipelago.