The Vice-Presidency of the Government has registered more than 9.500 attendance services to migrant citizens in 2021

The Vice-Presidency of the Government of the Azores carried out, in 2021, through the Regional Directorate for the Communities, 9.540 attendance services to emigrants, emigrants’ applicants, returnees and immigrants, residing in all the islands of the Region. The three public attendance offices of the Regional Directorate for the Communities have registered 4.136 on-site attendances, from […]

The Vice-Presidency of the Government marks Migrants Day in Praia da Vitória

The Government of the Azores, trough the Regional Directorate for the Communities, will celebrate the International Migrants Day, next Saturday, December 18, with several public activities taking place in the city of Praia da Vitória, island of Terceira. The day before and on that same day, the Regional Network of Municipal Contacts meets for the […]

The Vice-Presidency of the Government promotes “Integration School”

The Vice-Presidency of the Regional Government of the Azores, through the Regional Directorate for the Communities, promotes the program “Integration School”, a cycle of sessions that aims to present the life journey of immigrants that are fully integrated in the Azorean society to 3rd cycle students from schools of São Miguel, Terceira and Faial. This […]

World Council of Houses of the Azores meets on the island of Santa Maria

Conselho Mundial das Casas dos Açores

The 23rd General Assembly of the World Council of Houses of the Azores, that gathers in person the representatives of these institutions from the Azorean diaspora, meets from October 15 to 17, on the island of Santa Maria. This meeting is organized by the Vice-Presidency of the Government of the Azores, through the Regional Directorate […]

The Vice-Presidency of the Government promotes the Meeting Azores-Brazil

Açores Encontro Brasil

The Vice-Presidency of the Regional Government of the Azores, through the Regional Directorate for the Communities, promotes a Azores-Brazil Meeting, on October 14th, Thursday, in Ponta Delgada, dedicated to a testimony exchange between Azoreans in Brazil and Brazilians in the Azores. This event, presided by the Vice-President of the Government, Artur Lima, will bring to […]

“Conversations of the Diaspora” with the media from the United States and Canada

Comunicação Social - Conversas da Diáspora

The Vice-Presidency of the Regional Government of the Azores promotes, starting next Monday, September 27th, a new cycle of the initiative “Conversations of the Diaspora”, this time dedicated to the media that serve the communities of Azorean emigrants and their descendants in the United States of America and Canada. The first two season of this […]