Barra de Governo dos Açores
Barra de Governo dos Açores
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Portal da Açorianidade

Azores are increasingly becoming immigrant-receiving territory and economy, stresses José Manuel Bolieiro

The President of the Regional Government, José Manuel Bolieiro, chaired today the 3rd Consular Meeting of the Azores in Ponta Delgada, with the participation of members of the Region’s consular corps. During the event, José Manuel Bolieiro Bolieiro highlighted the Region’s growing capacity to receive and integrate immigrants, pointing out the demographic stability achieved with the increase in foreign residents. “The Azores are increasingly an immigrant-receiving territory and economy. We do this with a great capacity for integration and hospitality,” he said. The meeting was divided into two thematic panels: the first focussed on consular support for foreign citizens in the Azores, with presentations by consular representatives. The meeting was divided into two thematic panels: the first focussed on consular support for foreign citizens in the Azores, with presentations by consular representatives. The second panel addressed institutional support in the Region, with the participation of the Regional Director for the Communities, José Andrade, the Director of the Association of Immigrants in the Azores, Marina Aguiar, and the Director of CRESAÇOR’s Migrant Support Office, Ana Silva. The event emphasised the importance of collaboration between regional institutions and consular bodies to guarantee the support and integration of foreign citizens in the Azores. The Regional Directorate for the Communities has played a fundamental role in this process, providing continuous monitoring and support to immigrants, thus demonstrating the Region’s capacity to welcome and integrate immigrants. José Manuel Bolieiro took the opportunity to inform the consular corps of the Azorean Government’s intention to establish a protocol with the Association of Immigrants in the Azores (AIM) for the certification of biometric data on each island. This protocol will be implemented through the Integrated Citizen Support Network (RIAC), providing documentation without the need to travel between islands, thereby optimising the process and making it more accessible to all immigrants in the Region.