Memórias Açorianas:A Festa do Divino Espírito Santo na Vila Carrão em São Paulo

Autor: Elis Regina Barbosa Angelo
Idioma(s): Português
Tipo(s) de artigo: Cientifico
Tema(s): História das Comunidades Açorianas
Sub-Tema(s): História das Comunidades Açorianas

The religious party known as the “The Holy Ghost Festivity” will be analysed as a relevant attractivity to the community of Vila Carrão, in São Paulo, that came up from the Azoreans customes kept along the time between the contemporary adversities. At the same time in search of territory perception in which are untied the luso-brazilian cultural activities seen as a tangled of elements and traces of the culture and the history of Azoreans, it also analyses the space prospective as a link between past and present, favoring the visibility of identities.


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